
Friday, May 10, 2013

Football Rules

7.1 First: Pitch
7.2 Second: goal
Pitch [edit]

- In 1863 the length of the pitch is 180 and 90 meters wide.
- In 1906, select the length between 100 to 110 meters and width of 65 and 75 meters.
- As for the selection In 1863, the stadium is surrounded by just six flags In 1898 select contactless pace and throw in 1913 and put half of the pitch circle.
Goal [edit]

- In 1863 the goal was a casual those in charge without competition between 7,30 meters
- In 1866 and developed a casual horizontal did not specify those who rise.
- In 1894 have been identified existing and bar thickness to be 12.5 cm.
- In 1925 began to put the net
- In 1937 identified the exact dimensions of the target was 7.33 width and height 2.44 meters
Play areas and the region corner [edit]

- In 1898 the region identified half corner radius of one meter
- In 1903 set the goal area and penalty area and penalty points
- In 1937 have been identified outside the penalty area to arc
Ball [edit]

- In 1871 it was around the ball between 68.5 cm and 71 cm
- In 1898 it was weighing between 370 grams and 425 grams
- In 1906 became a ball made from the skin
- In 1937 has been modified to become a ball and weighing between 396 and 453
Number of Players [edit]

- In 1853 was, without specifying a certain number of players
- In 1863, 28 were identified for each team player
- In 1871, the number of players 10 or 11 or 12
- In 1897, the number of players 11
Rules football development [edit]

Before the year 1863 was to play a football game without a system or a uniform law, and were similar to rugby and was then divided into two parts:
1 - rugby and play a hand and foot
2 - and play football only footed
In 1863 the first law was issued for the game of football in England.
The law includes eight rules:
1 - wide, 7.30 meters wide and the height is not specified did not have casual horizontal.
2 - was forbidden to play the ball by hand or hand hit, but had authorized the arrest of the ball by hand and foot configured to play as in the game of hockey now, then amended and became only play foot ball, except for the goalkeeper within the area of ​​his punishment.
3 - does not allow the player to play the ball a foot in the air, but it should touch the ground first before it reaches the player.
4 - When the ball out of a player outside the seam thrown is the same throw but hit her foot in the direction of the middle and throw straight forward.
5 - If a goal the team starts to play again strike the net.
6 - No corner
7 - If a player progress ball opponent away from him a distance of at least 6 Steps
8 - When parking behind the ball striker in the half-awaited playground the other team calculated that infiltrated, even if all 'Khusum defenders behind him, meaning it must go behind the striker the ball Aantzerha.
Shoulder pay foreclosed player, so if the ball with the player, either if you are not with him Faisrah the pay and Mkafh.
Amendments in the articles of the laws of football [edit]

First: the stadium [edit]
1 - In 1863 the length of the pitch is 180 meters and width of 90 meters and there was no provision in the law in this, but this is the actual space.
2 - In 1906, the dimensions of the pitch as follows:
A - length from 100 to 110. B - width from 65 to 75.
3 - In 1920, the dimensions of the pitch as follows
A - length from 90 to 120 meters - width from 50 to 90 meters.
4 - develop was to determine the pitch as follows:
A - In 1863 the stadium was only set باحاطته a Bsty flags. B - in 1898 identified pitch pace contactless throw line
C - in 1909 moved رايتا the halfway line to the outside at Msabfah meters and one of the two
5 - in 1913 and placed halfway circuit in the pitch radius of 9 meters
Second: the goal [edit]
1 - in 1863 it was a goal those in charge Almsabfah Binmha 7.30 meters without casual horizontal
2 - in 1866 and placed above those horizontal casual, did not specify the height of existing and the horizontal bar is a rope or anything similar.
3 - in 1883 and developed menus and the bar of wood.
4 - in 1894 have been identified existing and bar thickness to be 12.5 cm
5 - In 1925, the network mode LED behind the goal
6 - in 1937 identified the exact dimensions of the goal, and the show was 7.32 meters and height of 2.44 meters.
Third: Play areas
1 - in 1898 identified the area so that corner a quarter of a radius of one meter.
2 - in 1903 set the goal area and penalty area and spot the same dimensions as current
3 - In 1937 arch is planned outside the penalty area, and this was a proposal to Arab rule Egyptian Osman Nuri.
Fourth: Ball
1 - in 1871 was around between 68.5 cm and 71 cm.
2 - In [1] was weighing between 370 grams and 425 grams
3 - In 1906, the text was to be an outer cover of the ball made from the skin
4 - In 19323, the weight of the ball has been modified to be between 370 and 450 is haram.
5 - In 1937 the vicinity of the ball has been modified to become one of 68 cm to 71 cm (as it is now)
6 - In 1937, the weight of the ball has been modified to become a weight of 396 grams to 453 (as it is now) Fifth: Goalkeeper
1 - in 1870 he was allowed to holding the ball in hand anywhere on the field.
2 - in 1887 he was allowed a two-step by running the ball in his hand without Tntatha but he must Anttha on the ground after it was Musrkha change the goalkeeper with the rest of the players.
3 - In 1892 allows the shoulder of the keeper when the ball with him.
5 - in 1903 is not allowed to Bmkvaúh goalkeeper inside the goal area, but if clutching the ball as is the case now, but allowed Bmkafh in any other region.
6 - in 1912 became discarded allowed to guard that plays ball with his hand in the area of ​​his punishment
7 - in 1931 allowed to become the goalkeeper by running the ball is in his hand 4 a Anttha steps on the ground.
8 - in 1941 if the goalkeeper walked four steps and then put the ball on the ground without Tntatha and there was a touch of the ball and his body (without leaving it in play) punishable by an indirect free kick.
9 - in 1966 when he held the World Cup in England equivalent Arjuaa and England (zero - zero) and when Atqrepett game from end Arad team ارجاوي end the game in a draw took the goalkeeper the ball and walked inside the punished four steps and then Antha on the ground Vijd right to four again and continued to the right and left until the game ended in a draw after it lost most of the time.
10 - In 1968, Olympic Committee identified the guard happened to Alargeoaa it issued amendments to require that the goalkeeper after walking four steps of the ball has no right to take her back with his hands, but if touched another player.
11 - has been manipulated in this law is also where the guard was walking four steps and gives his colleague who give it back to him and repeat, it issued the 1982 amendments to the guard has no right to grab the ball with his hands after four steps must be passed to his colleague.
12 - Here increased intelligence guards where Itqrbun the Ppalarba steps to colleague to Amrrunha him Then يعيدونها again, and in 1985 the International Federation issued a law that if goalkeeper dropped the ball to teammate may not be recovered unless touched another colleague outside the penalty area.
13 - and now has become the goalkeeper is not permitted him to retrieve the ball from his hands but with his foot, and this allows an attacker to pressure the goalkeeper and retrieve the ball, and identified a goalkeeper take the ball with his hand.
Seventh: [2] 1 - in 1863 were not allowed to wear shoes with rubber dry.
2 - in 1887 was the text that the award is based inspect clothes were players permission to work Rulers of the players on the shoes to be the ruler 1.3 cm width.
3 - in 1925 became Clothing players must be of a single color.
4 - in 1990 became the equipment consists of a player: Undershirt, or shirt and short pants and a long drink and condom leg and shoes.
Eighth: Judgment
1 - such as the 1873 law did not specify and existence Gmao that the team plays without judgment.
2 - In the same year, select the law to be the rule of the game.
3 - in 1881 committed the law that governs the game rule
4 - before 1890 was Assistants يصدران resolutions (provisions) كالحكم.
5 - in 1890 became the rule Assistants
6 - before the year 1892 was the right team leader that calls for judgment and shall call to free kicks or penalties .. Etc..
7 - in 1892 became no right to head the team that calls for judgment and interfere.
8 - in 1895 became the power to rule on the players stretch, whether the ball on the pitch or off the pitch.
9 - before 1925 was authorized for Lfriqin out of the pitch after the end of the game from anywhere.
10 - in 1925 became the ruling comes from a specific place and was succeeded by the players.
11 - in 1938 became the authority to rule on the players just disembarking pitch.
Ninth: observers lines
1 - in 1873 was an observer Aasaadan line rule in his judgments.
2 - in 1887 became assistant each side of the pitch and both teams had to bring an observer line.
3 - In 1889, select the match observers lines
4 - in 1891 became the rule of the right to dispense linesman If this does not his duty as it should.
5 - Before 1938 linesman was referring in his hand or a handkerchief
6 - In 1938 Trr to carry a linesman banner.
Tenth: game time
1 - from 1863 to 1897 - two teams Antfaqa the determines the time it takes for the game.
2 - In 1897, select the game time to be an hour and a half to two games equal.
4 - In 1903, the text to be added instead of lost time to time to match the original.
5 - in 1906 stipulated that in the event of a tie the two teams play extra time a half-hour on equal halves, and in the case of a tie again the two teams continue to play even score one goal win then Ntnea the game.
6 - in 1909 to add text instead of lost time due to injury to players.
7 - in 1925 became the two teams play extra time a half-hour on the two games, in the case of tying Alabna time Mavia for 30 minutes as well, but if you log discernible both teams scored the game ends either Matadel two teams for the third time, the game returned again at another date. XI: Starting lineup:
1 - in 1863 playing Team Kickoff and any direction he wants.
2 - In 1887 Kickoff play forward and be discounted at a distance of 5.5 meters from the player take the kickoff, the referee awarded the goal if it came directly from the kickoff.
3 - In 1903, if a player made a mistake in the Kickoff returned to strike again.
4 - In 1906 to ايصح for any player from the team access to own half the other team before kickoff and works draw lots to choose Kickoff
5 - In 1913, opponents must be away for a player Kickoff distance of at least 9 meters.
6 - In 1937 liabilities must be away for a player Kickoff distance of at least 9.15 meters.
XII: the ball in play and out of play:
1 - In 1887 the ball was considered to be outside the stadium if entire left side of the field, whether on the ground or in the air. The ball is in play if the banners kick or hit the crossbar and back of the stadium.
2 - in 1898, is the ball in play If Asdmt the judgment or monitors lines are inside the stadium with a note that the thickness of the field lines are from the area of ​​the pitch.
XIII: drop the ball
1 - In 1887 the verdict was throwing the ball up.
2 - In 1903, the verdict was throwing the ball to up and اتصبح, the ball is in play, but after touching the ground.
3 - In 1906, the case change and become a ball hit down to earth
4 - In 1920 judgment became holds the ball with his hand to almost waist height and then shoot it down, as is the case now.
XIV: goal achieved
1 - in 1863 - if the whole ball entered between the existing and any calculated target height where there was no casual horizontal.
2 - in 1883 - calculated if the ball entered the goal in its entirety between existing and under the crossbar at this year became the net horizontal casual.
3 - In 1908 Act confirmed the ball was going on and in force since 1883.
XV: sneak
1 - in 1863 - any player be in front of the player with the ball will be in an offside position even if the not acquaintances ball.
2 - in 1866 - if the player was found behind only two players or less considered Mtzla the (as in hockey now Act)
3 - in 1872 - to sneak out of a corner.
$ 4 - in 1887 - is not considered offside player if the ball came to him Menna discount (as it is now)
5 - In 1905 - to Ayaaqb the player offside if not benefited from the presence offside.
6 - In 1907 - to ايحتسب the player located in their own half offside.
7 - in 1920 - to sneak in pitch to contact.
8 - in 1925 - Adjusted offside rule and became require the presence of two players instead of three players closer to the line of Own
9 - in 1940 - to sneak the ball when the referee drops XVI: errors
1 - In 1870 the back of the shoulder is prohibited.
2 - in 1877, said the back of the shoulder opponent if the opponent opposite pitch, and obstructs the ball.
3 - In 1879 foreclosed jump on the opponent.
4 - In the year 1881 if the player hampered his opponent from playing the ball, he may law his shoulder from behind.
5 - in 1899 prohibited tripped an opponent or his arch work.
6 - in 1906 prohibited payment discount
7 - Disability in 1950 for playing the ball foreclosed
8 - In 1951 Pet Discount Bmkavth in his shoulder without danger or violence.
XVII: free kick
1 - in 1871 in the law is not on the indirect free kick
2 - in 1878, if the goalkeeper walked more than four steps calculated indirect free kick against him.
3 - in 1887 considered the corner kick, kick-off and strike target indirect strikes and standing adversaries just 5.50 meters from the ball and Aalab ball to اعبها, again even touched or Alava of another player and all the indirect free kicks.
4 - In 1903, free kicks were divided into direct and indirect.
5 - in 1913 when taking free kicks opponents stands at a distance of 10 yards from the ball at least, was that opponents are allowed to stand at a distance of 6 yards earlier.
6 - in 1937 when taking free kicks opponents stands at a distance of not less than 9.15 meters from the ball
XVIII: penalty:
1 - In 1890 the text of the penalty in the law.
2 - In 1981, goalkeeper stands at a distance of not less than 5.50 meters from the ball when taking a strike and extends the time of the game to supplement the strike.
3 - in 1896 to play forward strike.
4 - in 1903 if the team made a mistake and defender strike resulted in a goal, it is calculated and if it did not result in a goal, returned the blow. But if the error of attacking team shall be command versa any returned if the strike resulted in the aims and will not be returned if you do not produce a goal.
5 - In 1906, the goalkeeper standing on the goal line between the existing and under the crossbar when taking strike and before that was licked him a distance of up to 6 yards.
6 - in 1913 have all the players at a distance of at least 9 meters from the ball during the strike.
7 - In 1923 the offside rules apply for taking the penalty.
8 - in 1929 for additional restrictions goalkeeper, ايتحرك of Taatt bar and on the line even carried out the strike.
9 - in 1937 put the arc just outside the penalty area for parking helps the players away from the ball 9.15 meters outside the penalty area.
10 - in 1938 does not allow for the goalkeeper to move his feet to become ball Mlaubh.
XIX: throw-in
1 - In 1863 throw-in a free kick Wi-teams player has the right to play the ball.
2 - in 1864 became a throw-in hand-thrown and vertical front and becomes the ball in play after that touch the ground
3 - In 1869 forbidden to throw the ball with one hand.
4 - in 1877 aimed throw-in any direction on the pitch.
5 - In 18876, the team that did not cause the ball from the output pitch is aimed throw-in, and the player who aims throw-in does not allow him to play the ball a second time until touched or played by another player.
6 - In 1893, the player stands with his feet on the line of contact.
7 - in 1898 to ايحتسب goal throw if the ball entered the goal directly from them.
9 - in 1920, but the player decides offside from throw-in
10 - in 1925 stands player taking the throw-in outside the touchline
11 - in 1936 that allows it to be part of both feet on the touchline or outside during the bow.
Twenty: Blow goal
1 - in 1872 accounted wide strike if the ball went out of the line of only one of the litigants
2 - In 1887 to اتحتسب blow goal if the ball entered the goal which in the other team's goal and opponents must stand at a distance of 5.50 meters during strike
4 - In 1903 describes when you hit the ball at any point within the goal area
5 - in 1906 if the strike played error returned again.
6 - in 1913 when taking the stand strike opponents at a distance of 9 meters.
7 - in 1936 should be out of the ball outside the penalty area when hit until the ball is in play.
8 - In 1948, all the players stand outside the penalty area when taking strike.
Twenty-one: corner
1 - in 1872, the text of the law was an indirect free kick
2 - in 1887 standing opponents at a distance of 5.50 meters from the ball during strike
3 - In 1903, drawing a bow in the four corners of the stadium.
4 - in 1910 and put the flag Alkrnah Eimsh بنزعها to take the blow.
5 - in 1913 standing opponents at a distance of 9 meters during implementation.
6 - In 1924 it was decided that to be like any other corner kick from free kicks in the sense that it directly.
7 - in 1937 standing opponents at a distance of 9.15 meters from the ball.
--- Questions arbitral different ---
- If we break the bar and did not benefit repaired the game ends? Yes expire.
- Is it necessary to put banners in the middle of the pitch? This situation is not optional
- Is it permissible pitch layout cut lines? May not be so
- Is the space between the goal line and nets part of the stadium? No not considered well
- If a player came off the field under exigent circumstances or unintentionally Does this mean that he was out without government permission? Do not.
- If the ball is within the reach of one of the players and the desire to Shuffle went out to the outside of the stadium and then returned him Is it contrary to the laws? No, but it is advisable to keep the players within the scope of the pitch.
- Is a player allowed to excommunicate sit on the bench? No, but it should go to the dressing room and then sit down with the public.
- Do you allow the goalkeeper to throw throw-in? Yes it may.
- In case of expulsion 5 players of the game what happens? The game is stopped and considered the team expelled him, losing 3-0
- What does the ruling if alternative income to the pitch and hit one of the players of the opposing team while playing? Says referee to stop the play and got sent off and drop the ball in terms of the occurrence of the injury, and after Sharpener must submit a report to the relevant committee.
- If the rejection of the alternative exit from the stadium What does the government do? Nothing because that jurisdiction of the administrative team.
- The players deceiving the referee where to wear clothing guard and keeper bass player and carried play and touch the player (guard) the ball with his hand what do you get? Nothing but warns players after stopping play.
- Two players collided with a player took off his shoes and immediately completed the ball in the goal of barefoot Are any error is calculated against him? No, because the fall of the shoe was unintentional but lost shoe is an emergency and the goal counted one hundred percent.
- Asdmt the ball during the pay-governing one of the players of the ball entering the goal counted? Yes calculated decision of the Assistant Referee if it is true or not.
- Exited the ball outside the stadium and hindered defender striker in the region, why is calculated on it? Strike or throw corner Athsp the penalty because the ball outside the stadium.
- If you spend over the ball pitch partially (half) you calculated exit from the stadium? No, it must go beyond the ball the entire line.
- Is it permissible to take the penalty push the ball forward to Agera colleague and scoring goal? Yes and conditions: (a) - All players must stand behind the penalty spot dimension of at least 10 yards. B - the player must make it clear that in an offside position c - the game in normal time for the match

--- Referee and judgmental Raya ---
Many people wonder about the conversations that revolve between the referee and the referees lines (DSM) before, during and after the game and this special list so:
1 - inspection of the playing cards and every observer mission each team
2 - Inspection on the field and to identify any of the sides of each observer
3 - draped lines and monitors the ball
4 - throw-in and where the bow and side mistakes
5 - to infiltrate and place and supervise the implementation of
6 - the reference to the direction of the bow
7 - mistakes and penalties described the human wall
8 - corner kick.
9 - How to signal if the ball out of the on-line (a corner kick or a blow to the goal)
10 - Place linesman in the penalty kick.
11 - When a goal and exceeded ball line tells the referee so
12 - a switch on the signal flag rule to rule the arena
13 - If the referee signaled a free kick must Aydaa the kind directly or indirectly.
14 - reference to the penalty in the case of the rule of the arena parking in a remote location or a non-existent view angle.
15 - rulers exit with some of them at the end of the game ..

--- Stop playing situations ---
Many sport injuries and multiple rule have the right to stop playing to Malajh player and also has the right to not stopped فماهي cases which gets both Alhaltien the years?
1 - falling on the back or the collision of the spinal column area
2 - types of fractures or fracture accompanied by a wound (multiplier)
3 - broken collarbone when falling on the ground.
4 - concussion of the brain when players collided in the air and their heads collided and can know the situation by moving the hand in front of his face not respond.
5 - broken teeth or nose.
6 - internal bleeding and accompanied by blue color bleeding place
7 - eye injury
8 - a severe body as a result of tumor dislocated joints.
9 - the inability to breath and lack of awareness for more than 25 seconds.
10 - extreme fatigue the player to the degree that he can not promote
--- The main reason behind the use of yellow and red cards ---
In one international matches gave the referee to one of the players Spaniards ultimatum was previously given to speak, and the judgment was fluent in English, said the player warning in itself did not understand the player, came to the game was worth the expulsion said to him, expulsion and ordered him to leave off the field with his hand but all Spaniards protested on the grounds that Player does not know English and has already met with the International Federation after this incident and passed a line referee. Union were forced to think I was the solution by Sir Stanley President of the International Union of former football decided to use red cards and yellow expulsion warning. Start: The start and apply this experience in 1968, specifically in the Olympic Games in Mexico and has achieved great success too, especially that the operation lasted only a little time and it met the International Federation on 20 September 1969 and decided to use the cards in all international competitions.
If Estnaúah: Although the whole world began to apply this system, but the International Federation of England his own point of view but after attempts have been using the system in 1976 but returned Union and Guy ordered the cards because of plentiful where numbered 1980, 3520 ultimatum and 114 case of expulsion comes to use the rulers of the cards in a provocative way! But in the end, and in 1988 he returned FA to use the cards after the urging of the International Federation because of reputation for the league and its follow-up from all over the world.

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